“It was
easier just to get wet,” I respond.

The explanation: Ten minutes before this picture, I was
sitting at my computer, editing the rough draft of Book 2 in The Lambient Series,
and attempting to describe how my female protagonist feels completely drenched
in a canoe, just rescued from drowning but still waiting for her father to be
saved. I know I’ve felt what she’s feeling, probably caught in a rain storm and
couldn’t immediately change clothes. But, as I was trying to recall what that
felt like…the shower idea jumped into my head. So, I grabbed her costume, or
the closest articles in my wardrobe, and a pad and pen.
You can’t
see it in the picture. But, beside my tub (aka, the canoe) is a pad and pen. Which,
once someone stopped taking my picture, I scribbled down every emotion,
thought, image, etc. my protagonist was feeling.
I could
have wretched my brain for hours to come up with the page of writing I did in
five minutes dripping wet in the tub. Because…sometimes, it’s just easier to
get wet.
Great post Jolene! That's some really interesting insight into the writing process. I've often wondered how writer's can relate things that they themselves have never experienced...or maybe haven't in a really long time. Good luck on you writing! I'm so happy you're still working on it!