Sunday, May 26, 2013

Acting Out

                My husband watches me put on a clean dress, tan stockings, and brown leather boots. “What are you doing?” he wants to know as I step into the shower and turn on the water. He asks this with an amused laugh.

                “It was easier just to get wet,” I respond.

                No, I don’t normally take a shower with my clothes on. But, I do act out a lot of my storyline.  Which is what I am doing here.

The explanation: Ten minutes before this picture, I was sitting at my computer, editing the rough draft of Book 2 in The Lambient Series, and attempting to describe how my female protagonist feels completely drenched in a canoe, just rescued from drowning but still waiting for her father to be saved. I know I’ve felt what she’s feeling, probably caught in a rain storm and couldn’t immediately change clothes. But, as I was trying to recall what that felt like…the shower idea jumped into my head. So, I grabbed her costume, or the closest articles in my wardrobe, and a pad and pen.

                You can’t see it in the picture. But, beside my tub (aka, the canoe) is a pad and pen. Which, once someone stopped taking my picture, I scribbled down every emotion, thought, image, etc. my protagonist was feeling.

                I could have wretched my brain for hours to come up with the page of writing I did in five minutes dripping wet in the tub. Because…sometimes, it’s just easier to get wet.